
Backyard GI Installations
We have built stormwater capture planters and rain gardens in backyards of residential buildings in the South Bronx, Central Harlem, Crown Heights, and Upper West Side. These projects not only reduce the amount of stormwater entering our sewer system but also create vegetated spaces in neighborhoods where there is a shortage of greenery.
These projects are implemented through partnerships with non-profit organizations such as Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association and Community Assisted Tenant Controlled Housing.
Green Infrastructure Outreach & Education in the Bronx
We partnered with the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, NYC Department of Environmental Protection and the Green Roof Researchers Alliance to inform residents in 5 community boards in the Bronx about green infrastructure opportunities and requirements on private properties. This project was funded by a grant from tne NYS Pollution Prevention Institute.
Summary of Green Infrastructure Laws & RegulationsGreen Infrastructure Incentives and Regulations Fact Sheets
Green Infrastructure Planning
We partnered with McGolrick Park Neighborhood Alliance, NYC Audubon and Evergreen Exchange on a project to develop a community-driven greening plan for a 6-block industrial area in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We identified opportunities for greening - such as green walls, green roofs, sidewalk rain gardens - through a workshop with residents who are familiar with their community. This project was funded by a grant from the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund.
Green Buffers Community-Driven Planning: Final ReportHudson River Foodway
Famland in New York State, especially in the Hudson Valley, is fast disappearing as development pressure mounts. However, with the emergence of the local food movement in the early aughts there were opportunities for farmers in New York State to capture the market in New York City. At the same time, increased truck traffic, which remains the largest mode of goods transportation, is a significant concern for NYC residents. In 2015 with a grant from NYSERDA, we lead a study on the feasibility of transporting NYS agricultural products on a barge down the Hudson River to NYC.
Hudson River Foodway Corridor Final ReportAgricultural Prodcution AssessmentTransportation Mode ComparisonTransportation Logistics