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Passing Of Our Founding Board Member, Eugenia Flatow


On March 5th Eugenia M. Flatow passed away at the age of 93. She was one of the group of advocates who came together to include New York City in the State Soil & Water Conservation Law, thereby enabling the City to establish a soil and water conservation district.  

She was a long time chair of the Board of the New York City Soil & Water Conservation District as well as a board member of the City Club of New York, the Coalition for the Bight, and the Parodneck Foundation. She was also instrumental in establishing the New York New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program, one of 28 National Estuary Programs around the nation. 

Her accomplishments are many and if we listed them, they would fill our entire website. She was the force behind everything the NYC Soil & Water Conservation District has accomplished since its inception in 1991. She was a consummate diplomat and a negotiator, who made possible many environmental improvements in the City. She was a staunch advocate for giving ordinary citizens a voice in environmental planning.  

We will miss her very much but are committed to carrying on her legacy.